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A member registered Apr 11, 2020

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(2 edits)

So, a friend recommended this game to me, and I decided to give it a try. I know you've all probably got an outpouring of comments, so I'll try to keep this digestible. But I am a windbag at heart, so... uh, yeah.

Summary: I really enjoy the game. It's got a lot of great encounters, the art is expressive and tantalizingly evocative, the situation crafting is great.

1) Biggest criticism: Clicks. So. Many. Clicks.

I haven't worked with the development platform this game uses, so I don't know if it's a platform limitation or not, but if there is any way to reduce the number of clicks menus need in order to use items, equip things, whathaveyou, that would be a major, major improvement.

2) A hotbar for items you use frequently would also be awesome, so you don't have to go digging into your inventory multiple times to consume all those vigor capsules you've been saving up.

3) Other Thoughts: A "Load Game" option instead of needing to retreat to "Game End" menu and then "Resume" would also be nice.

4) As a new player, it'd be useful to have the game explain what corruption is a little more thoroughly, and how it's important. The only thing I recall from the game is a brief comment from the blacksmith.

Loving the development so far, the art, and the story. Hoping to see more of it, and more of the Veteran, Rinnal, and Bosc. Yeah, maybe I have a type. Or types. The Veteran is a DILF who I could never find in the daytime. Maybe I just need to search harder, or maybe there is a reason he mysteriously disappears each day. Hmm.

I am a fan of the bottoming scenes, but I'm glad it seems you have situations presented for both to help cover bases. I am also a fan of how you cleverly designed the combat so that losing armor can actually have a benefit, situationally.